The IEEE SPS Italy Chapter was established in October 2011 aiming at linking together Italian researchers working in the field of Signal Processing. The Chapter adheres to the mission of the IEEE Signal Processing Society whose purpose is to: advance and disseminate state-of-the-art scientific information and resources; educate the signal processing community; and provide a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas.


The IEEE SPS Italy Chapter organizes the annual IEEE – EURASIP Summer School on Signal Processing and supports the annual GTTI-SPS Thematic Meeting on Multimedia Signal Processing, providing a venue for people to interact and exchange ideas about state-of-the-art scientific achievements, as well as to promote initiatives and encourage the development of the multimedia signal processing community.


To promote and enhance signal processing disciplines in Italian Master’s Degree course, the IEEE SPS Italy Chapter organises every year an award for the best Italian Master’s Thesis on signal processing topics. The Chapter also organises a Best Demo Award for PhD students presenting their research at the annual Thematic Meeting.

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee supports the IEEE SPS Italy Chapter in the definition of strategic lines, in the organization of scientific and didactic initiatives, and in the evaluation of scientific projects.

Members of the Scientific Committee for the term 2023-2025: